Dealing With A Slip And Fall Accident In Palm Coast, FL

by | Mar 20, 2013 | law

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A lot of times when people talk about being involved in an accident in Palm Coast, FL, your mind automatically jumps to a car accident, which makes since. Usually that is the short-hand term. However, there are a lot of different sorts of accidents that can happen to people all over the place. In fact, if you thought about all the horrible things that could happen to you both inside your house and outside it as well, you would probably spend all day every day in your bed curled up in a little ball and crying. Fortunately, your chances or being hurt are actually pretty rare as long as you take some basic precautions and watch what is going on around you. However, despite your best efforts, things can go wrong and when it does, it is good to have an idea what to do.

Slip and fall accidents can happen inside and outside. A lot of times they happen when the ground is wet and water is tracked into stores where it makes those tile floors very slippery. However, sometimes the stores’ employees have mopped the floor or cleaned up a spill and that has left a puddle that then causes a customer to slip. No matter where you are, the owner of the home or business where you slip is responsible for taking care of any injuries that you might suffer as a result. Sometimes, people can take a pretty hard fall in an accident in Palm Coast, FL and wind up with nothing more serious happening to them than a few bruises. Unfortunately, however, that is not always the case. Elderly people can easily break a bone with a fall, people on certain medications have an increased chance of severe bleeding after hitting the floor hard, and even a healthy young person can suffer an unexpected injury if the fall is just at the wrong angle.

Once you fall, even if you do not think you are hurt too badly, you should immediately go to the owner of the property and tell them that you fell down. They should be willing to work with you and most businesses will have forms for you to fill out explaining what happened and your contact information. That form should also give you their information so that you can send them your medical bills and things because an accident in Palm Coast, FL like this should definitely send you to the doctor.

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