The Importance Of Getting Your Pet Spayed Or Neutered

by | Apr 6, 2013 | Health

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If your pet is not already spayed or neutered, you may want to consider having it done. An animal hospital in Wooster OH can perform the procedure and explain the many benefits of having your pet fixed. Aside from helping to control the pet population, you will be surprised to learn that spaying or neutering your pet can actually make them healthier and happier. It can also make the pet owner happier because there will no longer be cats or dogs hanging around your yard when your dog or cat is in heat.

There are other benefits to spaying or neutering your pet as well. It can actually reduce aggressive behavior and help your pet to become more calm and affectionate. It can also rid your dog or cat of the desire to “mark” their territory. Your pet will be less likely to roam away from your home and get lost or hit by a car.

Having your male pet neutered cuts down their risk of getting prostate disease. In females, it eliminates disease of the reproductive tract. This is especially true if she is spayed before she has her first heat cycle. Spaying also cuts down on the risk of mammary tumors and ovarian cancer. Because of these health benefits, your pet can live a longer, healthier life.

If you are considering getting your pet fixed, call an animal hospital in Wooster OH to find out more information about the procedure and how much it will cost. Some animal clinics and hospitals offer spaying and neutering at a lower price to make it affordable to everyone. They realize the importance of getting the procedure done so they may lower the cost. However, prices vary at every clinic so make sure you call around. It’s also a good idea to take your pet to an animal hospital that offers pre-op blood testing to make sure your pet is healthy enough to be put under general anesthesia. This is not always necessary but it can give pet owners peace of mind when their pet is undergoing an operation.

In addition to helping your pet live a healthier, happier life, you will also be doing your part to help control overpopulation of pets. All too often, animals at shelters have to be put down because there is simply not enough people to adopt them. And when more puppies and kittens are born, they are often brought into the animal shelter where there is not enough room for them. This is when other animals will have to get put down to make room for new ones. It is a sad fact that too many cats and dogs are being born and left unwanted. By getting your pet fixed at an animal hospital in Wooster OH, you are helping to do something about this growing problem.

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