Why You Shouldn’t Pay Fines until You Hire a Traffic Ticket Lawyer in Mount Vernon

by | Feb 3, 2014 | Lawyers and Attorneys

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It is an inevitable fact of life that everybody, at some point, is going to experience that heart wrenching feeling that takes over when you are minding your own business behind the wheel of your car and you suddenly notice the flashing of red and blue lights behind you. People get pulled over for any number of reasons and there are always financial penalties involved when an office writes you a ticket.

The amount you will be expected to pay will generally vary from very small to very large, depending on the severity of the offense you have been ticketed for. Most people make the mistake of thinking that they simply have to pay these fines and that the penalties end there.

The truth is though, that financial penalties are usually only one part of the way that the legal system will typically enforce their right to exact legal penance in the event of a traffic citation. Many of these consequences can be reduced or avoided completely, but not if you simply choose to pay the fine associated with the ticket.

When you pay that fine, no questions asked, you are essentially agreeing with the court system that you are guilty and should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. Whether you are actually guilty or not, the level to which a person can be punished for a traffic violation can often be a bit unfair.

By hiring the services of a Traffic Ticket Lawyer Mount Vernon, such as Powers & Costeck, you can potentially reduce or even avoid consequences such as:

1. Paying Large Fines
2. Having Points Added to Your License
3. Raising Your Insurance Premiums
4. Having Your License Suspended or Revoked

The simple truth is that most people operate their vehicles on a daily basis for one major reason. You have to be able to drive your car so that you can get to work and make money to support yourself and your family. When you are faced with unfair circumstances such as high dollar fines or the possibility of losing your driving privileges, your entire way of life can be placed at risk. Save yourself a lot of potential time, money, and trouble by hiring the services of a qualified traffic attorney to help you avoid these situations.

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