What is the best time of the year to conduct maintenance and AC repairs? The time of the year most suitable for air conditioning maintenance is the spring time while the weather is still mild. Annual checkups or conditioning can enhance the life of your cooling system. A technician trained in AC repairs will usually check for the following when they come on a routine check up:
* Examine the levels of refrigerant (Freon) in your cooling system. If the levels are too low, there might be a leak. The technician would locate and repair the leak before adding extra refrigerant.
* Check the electrical components, control and fuses.
* Check and clean the condenser coils and evaporator if they need attendance.
* Oil the motor of the unit.
* Check the filters and clean them if they are clogged.
* Calibrate the settings for the thermostat.
Instead of waiting for the summer to come and finding out then that your cooling system is not working, check the AC in the cooler weather and get any parts changed or repairs done while the AC is not in operation. The home owner can follow a few tips to ensure the AC runs optimally:
* Run the AC during the off season for a few minutes to check that it is cooling normally.
* Clean the filters. Clogged filters obstruct free air flow and can reduce the efficiency of your unit. In worst case scenarios the evaporator can ice up if there is restricted air flow. Electrostatic and electronic filters can be washed and disposable filters can be changed by the home owner.
* Check the thermostat is set at the right temperature.
* Remove all shrubbery, weeds, grass, creepers and vines from the condenser unit.
* If you notice the AC is consuming too much electricity, call the professionals. The unit might need parts changed or some overhauling to restore it.
Older AC systems use more energy than the modern efficient models. According to US law, all residential air conditioning should have a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) of 13 and above from January 2006. The efficiency ratings of residential air conditioners are regulated by the US department of Energy (DOE). If your unit is over 12 years old, chances are it is running at SEER below par and you may need to change it. Call professionals to install your new unit. For optimal performance ensure regular maintenance and AC repairs. Atlanta home owners can find professionals at your service 24/7 at no extra cost.