Frequently Asked Questions About Oil Change Services In Chamblee GA

by | Apr 5, 2023 | Automotive

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Most vehicle owners know they should schedule regular oil changes for their vehicle, but many people still have questions about this service. Read the frequently asked questions below to learn the importance of contacting an Oil Change Services Chamblee GA area company for an appointment.

Q.) Why is it important for individuals to have the oil changed regularly in their vehicle?

A.) Keeping fresh oil in a vehicle is important because it lubricates the engine and helps to keep this component running smoothly. Frequent oil changes will also extend the lifespan of the engine and prevent car owners from needing costly engine repairs. Old oil is often littered with dirt, debris and other small particles that can cause damage to the engine. Regular oil changes also help a vehicle to get improved gas mileage because it minimizes the friction on the vehicle’s engine.

Q.) What are the different kinds of motor oil available for vehicles?

A.) There are various types of motor oil available, but the three most common kinds of oil are regular, high-mileage and synthetic. Most vehicles will run fine with regular motor oil and it’s a popular choice for many car owners because it’s the least expensive kind. Vehicles that have a high number of miles, usually over 60,000, will perform better with high-mileage motor oil. Synthetic motor oil is popular because it handles extreme temperatures better than regular motor oil, which is a plus for the car’s engine. Drivers who use this type of oil won’t have to get the oil changed in their vehicle as often as someone who uses regular oil. Since some new vehicles require the use of synthetic oil, car owners should read their vehicle owners manual to see which type of oil is recommended. Car owners who have additional questions about oil changes can speak with a qualified Oil Change Services Chamblee GA area mechanic.

When it’s time for an oil change, contact the experienced mechanics at Blue Ridge Automotive. This family-owned company also provides additional vehicle services, such as transmission repair, cooling system checks, brake replacement and drivetrain services.

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