How to Handle Toddler Diaper Rash

by | Mar 30, 2016 | miscellaneous

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Handling toddler diaper rash often is a process of ruling out potential rash causes, a process which ought to be done alongside your toddler’s Pediatrician in El Cajon, as some of the potential causes might be severe. A few of the more common toddler diaper rash causes are moistness inside the diaper, chafing against a toddler’s skin which is the result of friction, sensitivity to a product which is being utilized on the baby’s skin, reaction to a new food, and potential infection. Most of these problems may be easily dealt with at home, yet it’s vital to ensure that the toddler diaper rash cause isn’t an infection, an evaluation that may be made by the toddler’s pediatrician.

Make sure to always have a clean, dry diaper

According to our Pediatrician in El Cajon one important thing to do while handling toddler diaper rash includes making sure the child always is in a dry, clean diaper. One common cause of diaper rash is the youngster sitting in a dirty diaper for a long period of time. As fecal matter and urine are permitted to stay on the skin, particularly if they mix, the youngster’s skin quickly can break out in a rash. Therefore, one of the most important and first steps to handling toddler diaper rash includes being diligent about changing diapers.

What causes diaper rash?

If the rash doesn’t seem to be caused by dirty diapers or an infection, parents might consider changing the type of diapers they use, particularly if there’s fragrance inside the diaper. Parents who use cloth diapers might try to use hypoallergenic detergent while washing the toddler’s diapers. Additionally creams, lotions, and powders used on the baby’s skin might cause diaper rash. Try to switch to a different product brand, particularly a brand labeled as hypoallergenic. Also, a pediatrician might have the ability to advise on diaper powders and creams which are the least likely to lead to irritation.

In some instances, diaper rash might be the result of a brand new food the toddler is consuming. For toddlers still breast feeding, it might even be a reaction to a food the mother has been ingesting. This possibility may be talked over with a pediatrician in order for the parents to find out what types of food(s) may be producing the reaction and change their diets, or at least the toddler’s diet, accordingly.

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