Keeping Healthy Trees on your Property

by | Sep 11, 2015 | Tree Service

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When you are searching for a tree planting service in Honolulu, you want a company that has experience in transplanting and replanting larger trees. Seedlings from a nursery are great, but what if you need some wind or sun protection now? Transplanting older trees can be a great head start on the windbreak you want for your property. Or perhaps your favorite tree had to be removed as your home was built, or major reconstruction was happening. Instead of cutting and killing the tree, hiring a company experienced in transplanting services may be the answer you need to allow you to keep your favorite tree and simply have it replanted in your yard after the construction.

Why Are Trees Important?

Trees bring along many benefits. Their number one purpose is that they are able to produce oxygen and can help remove toxins from the air. Some of the toxins they are able to absorb are ammonia, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxide. They also provide home and shelter for an abundance of wildlife which are vital to the ecosystem including birds, squirrels, insects and small frogs. In addition, certain trees can provide an excellent haven for the rapidly declining honey bee. Many fruits bearing trees can help supplement your diet with the freshest pears, apples or other food you have ever eaten! Not to overlook the fact that they can also help prevent rapid water evaporation from your lawn which in turn keeps your landscape looking lush longer.

Planting and Transplanting

At HTM Contractors, you can find both planting and transplanting services. Planting is usually done with young trees as you would find at a nursery. They are initially grown in plastic or wooden pots and then moved to your property where they are placed in the ground. Transplanting is a bit more involved, but can save your cherished tree from being destroyed should your yard have to be destroyed, and it can quickly shade a new construction site once a home or business is built. Transplanting involves removing a large or mature tree from the ground, temporarily covering its root base in cloth or a large wooden pot, and replanting it a short time later where you want it. The biggest benefit to this is that you won’t have to wait 5 or more years for a nursery tree to grow, but if done improperly the transplanted tree can suffer shock and may die or become unhealthy. Always work with a company that has experience with transplanting, and be sure to ask what size of trees they have the most experience with.

Whether you are looking for a transplanting or nursery tree planting service in Honolulu, HTM Contractors has the tools and experience needed to help get the job done quickly and safely.

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