When planning a business move a lot has to do with just how big the organization is, it may be that making the move can be done with the help of many colleagues but if the organization is large enough then companies that offer corporate moving services are best employed. Perhaps the key to a successful corporate move is keeping up the enthusiasm and spirit of the staff while everything seems to be topsy-turvy.
There are a few steps to take that will minimize the disruption;
Planning is the key and the importance of this cannot be overemphasized. Consider putting together a group or committee than can develop a time line which focuses on allowing every stage of the move to take place smoothly and seamlessly. The key to a successful move is to get an early start on the process; this can easily be three months for even a reasonably small company and up to nine months for a large office.
Pull together all the information available for the new facility, getting a copy of the floor plans is ideal as the planners will have plenty of time to determine the location of all the key elements such as the locations of the electric outlets and telephone points and integrate that which is fixed and already there into that which will be moved from the current location. With the floor plan the office layout can be done well in advance of arrival. You can take full advantage of moving to get rid of problems that exist with the current office layout.
The team:
The master team should be made up from representatives from every department. The responsible team members will be charged with seeing to it that all the employees in the department and all of the equipment under their control are ready to go on the appointed day. Don’t be afraid of asking everyone’s opinion on the proposed new layout well in advance, this gives plenty of time to make any changes that make sense. It is very important that the corporate moving service company will know exactly where to place what upon arrival.
Keep to a rigid schedule, set regular meetings, in this way you can be sure that all employees that are going to be affected by the move are intimate with the details and what their unique responsibilities are. Making an office move can be extremely stressful, try not to make it harder than it has to be with insufficient planning.
Once the plans are firmed up and agreed, make sure everyone who has an assigned task is up to speed and that they are fully prepared.