Do you drink a lot of coffee or tea? Do you eat a lot of foods that are full of spices? If you answered “yes”, there is a good possibility that, over time, your teeth will start to look dingy or yellow, even if you diligently brush them. Some people think the easiest way to solve the dingy teeth challenge is to use those teeth whitening kits that are sold in stores and advertised on TV. The problem with attempting that solution is that first, the whitening solution in those kits is much weaker than those used by a dentist. The other major problem is the solution trays. In the kits, you get a one-size-fits-all tray. This can allow the solution to leak out onto your gums and cause damage to them.
When you go in for Teeth Whitening In Altoona, the dentist will make a mold of your teeth, so they can custom make a solution tray that perfectly fits over your teeth. This ensures that the solution only gets on your teeth and not your gums and soft tissues of your mouth. Also, the dentist can make use of a dental laser to get rid of any extra stubborn stains that are on your teeth.
As you can now see, getting Teeth Whitening In Altoona by a professional will get your teeth the perfect level of whitening. Before the dentist will even begin the whitening process, they will give you a complete examination to make sure that any cavities you may have are filled and any gum infection is treated. The reason for this is open cavities or infections would be made worse if not treated first. This is something those store bought kits don’t take into account.
If you are starting to see your teeth looking dingy or yellow, make an appointment to see your dentist right away. The longer the stain stays on your teeth, the harder it is to bring your teeth back to the beautiful whiteness you want. Depending on how badly your teeth are stained, it could take up to 3 treatment appointments to achieve the desired results. After the treatment, you will want to make sure that you get annual check ups to see if, or when, any stains start to come back. That way, you can get an easy treatment to keep the stains away and your smile pretty.