Tips for Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer in Marietta, GA

by | Nov 14, 2013 | Lawyers and Attorneys

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If you slip and fall while at someone’s home or in a place of business, you can be seriously injured, sometimes for life. Many people who suffer a slip and fall injury never bother to follow up on it with an attorney. They take it as an accident and try to move on with their lives. While sometimes that is possible to do, other times it is impossible to get back to any semblance of a normal life, and you end up needing help. That is when you need to call in a Personal Injury Lawyer Marietta GA firm to help you do the right thing for yourself and get the help and compensation that you need. Below you will find some tips on what you need to file a slip and fall injury claim and what a lawyer can do to help you.

Any Personal Injury Lawyer Marietta GA firm will tell you that after your slip and fall the most important thing to do is seek medical treatment right away. Your health should be your top priority, the rest can wait. Once you get that medical treatment however, it’s then time to go back and get an accident report. The only way you do not need to have an accident report is if a cop was present and took one for you.

Don’t say any more than is necessary to the place, or person, whose place you fell in. You need to call a lawyer as soon as possible and let him do the talking for you. Don’t get upset, don’t lose your temper, and above all don’t do anything to aggravate the situation.

You also need to never talk to the insurance company alone. Your lawyer should be with you to make sure that you are getting the fair treatment that you deserve, and never sign anything without your lawyer being present to read it first.

Finding a personal injury lawyer after a slip and fall accident should not be hard for you to do. However, you will want to follow the tips above to make sure that you are covered in every possible way.

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