What Does Morpheus8 in Denver Treat?

by | Feb 14, 2022 | Skin Care

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Aging comes with a natural loss of skin elasticity and the appearance of lines, sagging, and wrinkles. And this process is often sped up due to either genetics or a lackluster skincare routine.

A great way to stop skin aging in its tracks is getting a Morpheus8 in Denver from microneedling experts such as the J Marie Skin Studio. Morpheus8 is a non-surgical treatment similar to micro-needling and uses radiofrequency to boost collagen growth. Collagen will help tighten the skin and get rid of fine lines and sagging.

How Is Morpheus8 Different From Regular Microneedling?

You’ve probably heard of micro-needling. It’s a popular facial rejuvenation treatment where dermatologists prick your skin with tiny pins. These punctures boost the production of new skin cells.

Morpheus8 is a similar procedure but it incorporates emitting radio frequency into your skin, which penetrates on a deeper level than simple needles and tightens the skin. Morpheus8 elevates the results of microneedling up a notch and ensures you see faster results.

What Are the Benefits of Morpheus8?

Getting Morpheus8 in Denver is an excellent way of boosting collagen and elastin production in your skin. These proteins make your skin look younger by tightening it and helping it regain lost elasticity.

In addition to reducing the sagging in your skin, Morpheus8 can correct fine lines, wrinkles, eye bags, and acne scarring. Morpheus8 effectively treats crepey skin, discoloration, and stretch marks as well. You can also target jowls and make your jawline more prominent.

Who Should Go for Morhpeus8 Microneedling?

Anyone who is showing signs of aging or wants to get rid of scars, skin folds, discoloration, and jowls in any part of their body is the ideal candidate for a Morpheus8 procedure. This is a non-invasive and effective treatment with little to no side effects.

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