What is a Workman’s Comp Attorney Knoxville TN

by | Mar 29, 2013 | law

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There are occupations that come with a little bit more risks than some others do. But did you know that no matter what your occupation is, if you are injured on the job then you might be entitled to certain benefits. These benefits are called workman’s compensation and are granted when there is an injury or accident that is due to the negligence of your employer or fellow employees. Understanding if you should be granted these rights can be explained to you by a workman’s comp attorney in Knoxville.

Checking Your Comp File

There is a process to go through in order to get any retribution to you after an accident. The workman’s comp attorney in Knoxville TN will know the process well and be able to get you through it a lot faster. The process could include multiple doctor visits, interviews with investigators, meetings with the HR personnel at your employer’s office or even trying to negotiate a settlement with the insurance company in order to receive settlement money. However, without the experience of a specialist in workman’s comp issues, you will probably not get as much as you are entitled to receive.

Having a Workman’s Comp Attorney in Knoxville TN that represents your interests will ensure that you get the maximum benefits allowed to you. Understanding those benefits can be confusing, because they could mean more than just a lump settlement of cash. Other benefits might include reimbursement of doctor’s co pays, additional doctor’s visits or rehabilitation services, prescription drug reimbursement, paid sick time off or covering of additional expenses outside of what your doctor’s prescribe.

Going without a lawyer and dealing with company doctor’s on your own might not net you successful results. The doctors who work with the insurance companies and for your employer are on their side and not obligated to get the most benefits for you. That is why hiring an attorney that will represent your interests and those alone is best. They only care about getting what you are entitled to so you can focus on getting healthy and back in to the job that you were forced to vacate.

Getting New Employment

If you were permanently injured and unable to go back to your old job, then the lawyer might also be able to help get you in to a new job. They usually have an extensive list of contacts in the business world and if there is a job open where no strenuous activity is required, they could always recommend you for an interview and you could try for the job. It isn’t a guarantee of employment, but it is a foot in the door with a company if you need it.

A workman’s comp attorney in Knoxville TN can fight for you if injured on the job. Consult The Car Wreck Attorneys at 865-684-4405 to see if your injury qualifies for compensation from your employer.



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