It is important to make sure that you remove contaminants from any air that enters your fuel tank. You can use a fuel tank breather to do the job. This device is made with a filter inside that prevents any solid particles from entering the breather and causing wear on your equipment. This special filter has the ability to remove dust, particles, and harmful moisture from the air. In addition, it will hold the moisture inside and keep your equipment dry.
How It Works
When you use a fuel tank breather, it will do a lot more for your fuel tank than a dust cap. When contaminated air enters the top, it first passes through layered filter media. During this process, the solid particles will be separated and denied entry into the breather, which protects your equipment. After the air is filtered, it passes through a bed of silica gel. This step in the process removes harmful moisture from the air and attracts more moisture from inside your equipment during service or shutdown, which keeps your equipment dry.
Why You Need One
The best way to protect your equipment is to use a fuel tank breather. It is important that contaminated air doesn’t return to the fuel tank because it can reduce performance and damage your equipment. This type of filter starts by removing solid particles, such as dust, debris, and more, and it will also remove oil vapors and moisture with a silica gel layer. It is important to choose the right size for your equipment, and the best companies selling the breathers will help you select the correct one for your needs.