You Can Experience the Benefits of a Hair Transplant on Long Island

by | Apr 11, 2023 | Hair Restoration

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For many people, losing their hair is such an embarrassment that it affects their social life and even their work life. Wigs and toupees are an option, but for some, they are not the answer. Fortunately, hair transplantation has become much less risky, far less painful, and more affordable than ever. There are two basic types of hair transplants.

Follicular Unit Strip Surgery

In this type of hair restoration in Long Island, the surgeon takes a strip of skin about 6 to 10 inches long from the back of your head and then closes the surgical wound. The hair in the area covers it. The strip is then meticulously divided into as many as 2000 grafts, each with just one or two hairs depending on the type of hair you have and where the transplant will go. After numbing the area, the surgeon uses a needle or scalpel to perforate the skin. Then, they carefully place a graft in the hole. Since there can be so many grafts, the surgeon probably has a team helping them.

Follicular Unit Extraction

With follicular unit extraction, the surgeon shaves the back of your head as opposed to removing a strip of skin. Then, they’ll pluck out the hair follicles there one at a time. After that, the procedure is the same as it is for follicular unit strip surgery. The operation takes from four to eight hours depending on how much hair you’ll need to be transplanted.

For more information about hair restoration in Long Island, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the cosmetic surgeons and their staff at Feller & Bloxham Medical of Long Island. Find them at web.

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